Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Here are just a few pictures i took recently 

                                              One of the blooms on a Hosta plant
             OK this is sad but my first bloom on my morning glory---this one just kept growing but didn't bloom until the end of August --ooh well some of us live life at our own pace ...
                                           A visitor while fixing the fence this weekend.
                                          A sunrise on the morning of my birthday
                                            A foggy sunrise a few weeks back
                                              Our BIG sunflower
                                         I have no idea how to spell what this is !!!LOL!!
                                         I rainbow----love the Colorado rainbows            
                                                                Eastern Pains storm                                      

                                                                Thanks for taking a peek.


"Sit tall in the saddle hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky and live like you ain't afraid to die, don't be scared just enjoy your ride"-- song by the late Chris LeDoux

Thursday, July 25, 2013

"My Creative Sketches"July Sketch

Come on over and join in on the fun---Create a layout from the sketch i designed below and maybe win a great prize. http://mycreativesketches.blogspot.com/

You can't win unless you enter !!!!

I hope this inspires you !!! Have fun --- Kim

The July Sketch

Friday, May 10, 2013

Remembering Mom......

I lost My Mom in December 1990. Every year when Mothers Day approaches I get out the journal I wrote poems in before and after she died (of Cancer). I read them, I cry and think of all the things that have happen I my life since 1990 ---all the things I wish I could have shared with her. I don't share my poems very often with anyone. But today felt inspired to share this one this Mother Day weekend.
 Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers.

In Body And In Soul
Always love Mom
Because You never know
when love will fade
and tears will show
Their is no one you'll
ever love so much
Because Moms Mom
and no one could
replace her touch
and remember her
and hold her tight
Within your heart
remember her word
Moms are usually rite
Remember this
because life may be cut short
the time taken away
Her loves not always going
to be there everyday
I was to young
and so was she
I wish the rest of my life
she could be with me
In Body And In Soul.

By: Kim 1991

Monday, February 25, 2013

"My Creative Sketches" February Sketch

Come on over and join in on the fun---Create a layout from the sketch i designed below and maybe win a great prize. http://mycreativesketches.blogspot.com/
You can't win unless you enter !!!!
I hope this inspires you !!! Have fun --- Kim
The February Sketch

Monday, February 4, 2013

"My Creative Sketches" January Sketch

Come on over and join in on the fun---Create a layout from the sketch i designed below and maybe win a great prize. http://mycreativesketches.blogspot.com/
You can't win unless you enter !!!!
I hope this inspires you !!! Have fun --- Kim
The January Sketch

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"My Creative Sketches" December Sketch

I'm sorry i'm a little late posting this but it's not to late to join in on the fun !!!  Create a layout from the sketch i designed below and maybe win a great prize. http://mycreativesketches.blogspot.com/
You can't win unless you enter !!!!
I hope this inspires you !!! Have fun --- Kim
The December Sketch